My own thoughts on the first thought
To start with, let’s explore some of the other various possibilities of that “first thought”:
1. Hunger:
Starfish get hungry too. Are they thinking? Not as far as anyone knows.
2. Cold:
as in “Hey, I’m cold.” Now this one is possible, because after this thought one might look for a warm place. But rats do this too. Now some people might argue that rats in fact do think – at least enough to work their way out of a maze. But hunger (see above) is enough of a motivator for that as well.
as in “Whew!” But all animals seek shade, no higher thought required.
4. Fear:
as in “Help, a tiger is after me! A saber-toothed tiger!” Now this one, like the stampeding dinosaur we discussed earlier, is a definite possibility. Fear is one of the great motivators of all time. And I would probably vote for this one were it not for the fact that other animals get afraid and warn each other of impending problems as well. Like parakeets. Enough said.