Oh, the wanderings the mind can do after midnight

What were you thinking about late last night?

You know the time, it’s that gray area after we get in bed, turn out the lights and start to drift off but before we actually go to sleep.  People view the night in so many different ways.  For some, the night holds nothing but terror.  For others, it is their favorite time.  A vast number of songs, poems, stories, plays, and films take place at night or are about night. Or indeed are written at night.  The night inspires creativity, terror, passion, love and warmth.  It’s also that time when so many of us, out of a job, are looking at the future with fear. We still have vestiges of the awe surrounding night.

A Historical Perspective on the Night!

For eons we viewed the night with fear, with superstition, with dread, with hope.  There were no security lights, no alarms, and no police cars cruising the neighborhood.  Yet hope also existed, because for all the fear that came with night there was still hope that you would wake up – and do so healthy and strong.   

How do you view the night?

Personally, I rather enjoy the night.  Long after the sun has gone down, after the birds have quit singing, the phones stopped ringing, and most of the cars are parked in their garages, I’m still awake.  Whether writing, working online, reading or, yes, even watching videos, I’m still awake with the night. 


One of the many good things about the time after midnight


Disabled Literature