Welcome to a world where words and dreams meet, shaping stories that inspire and connect. This blog explores the magic of urban life, the intricacies of imagination, and the power of storytelling. Dive into insights, reflections, and updates on our creative journey

Feel free to answer each posts or go off in your own direction – have at it. But first, a couple of things. Be polite, be kind, be relevant. Racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, (you get the idea) posts are frowned upon and will be deleted. This should be a safe place to express ideas.

Hello! haven’t you heard of tying the knot?.
There you go, as silly and mundane as it sounds, perhaps nothing more serious, intellectual or intellect-developing than tying a knot was responsible for putting humans on the path to higher thought

What humans used knots for?
So that leads us back to the mundane. And what could be more mundane than tying a knot? Just look at what early humans would have used knots for:

My own thoughts on the first thought
Personally, I think that one of the first thoughts, if not the very first, was nothing more than figuring out how to tie a knot. I can hear you thinking, “A knot? Are you crazy? Why a knot?” Well, I’m glad you thought that because I, for once at least, have an answer.

One of the many good things about the time after midnight
My best thinking comes late at night. After the house is quiet and after the crickets have called it a night and are giving their legs a rest, I’m still awake.

Oh, the wanderings the mind can do after midnight
Hello and welcome to the new blog. A blog intended to be a conversation about writing, dreaming, and everything in-between. In other words, whatever we damned-well want to talk about. Within reason.

Disabled Literature

Still Amazed

Down At The Pier

Coming Soon
Meet Miles
My younger life was spent in Southern California and South Florida with stints in Guadalajara, Mexico, Idaho, Hawaii, and Oklahoma. I'm fascinated by, and do considerable research in, mass media communications, writing, and the portrayal of disabled individuals in American Literature. I'm an essayist (or couranteer just 'cause it's such a great word), former Associate Editor and system-wide columnist at the Asian Journal, an English-language, pan-Asian newspaper (20 years) and former Associate Professor of Communications at Alliant International University where I taught writing, publishing, and communications.
My work is included in: Disabilities Studies Quarterly (DSQ), The Asian Journal, Exquisite Cadaver, and Project Kalusugan: Getting and Keeping Filipinos Involved in Social Issues. I'm a member of American Press Institute, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Modern Language Association (MLA), Scientific Journals International Advisory Board (Multidisciplinary), Society of Professional Journalists, Society for Technical Communication, Writer’s Federation of America, and Writer’s Haven - San Diego. My community involvements include working with San Diego County Adoptions, El Cajon Commission on Disabilities, and Newspapers in Education. My published works include Still Amazed: A Collection, Down at the Pier, Disabled Literature and 2000 newspaper columns.

Find updates on new releases, and connect with me directly on my official website
Look What’s New!
Coming soon, Cancun is the epic story of Tepe, a boy who stumbles across the possessed Aztec knife used in ancient sacrificial rituals and who now must atone for the horrors that the Conquistadores waged upon the Aztec civilization.